Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bersih Rally 2.0 709

Yesterday was a very tense day in KL due to the Bersih Rally.  Most of the major roads leading to the city centre was closed & road blocks was everywhere.  There's a massive jam just after the toll from my housing area due to road block.  Since Friday midnite, the traffic already built-up.  I was late for work on Saturday. I reached office at 10a.m - late 2 hrs.  I have to make a U-turn back, waited about 1 hrs before i can make a U-turn, the distance is just 500m.  My parents were so worried about us & called us to to check whether we are safe & advised us not to go out.  My sister told me that most of her friend's parents also did that.  You see, we are from outstation, we only work in KL.  In times like this, really feel want to be with my family.

With all the road closure & road block by the police, it still cannot control thousands of demonstrators of managed to get to the city centre & do their marching to the stadium.  The willpower is really strong to pass on the message of a clean & transparent voting system in Malaysia.

For those who do not know what is BERSIH, please check on wikipedia...WOW, they are damned fast to add into wikipedia.

I can see a sea of changes coming real soon......on the next coming election.  The power of media....GO GO GO!

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