Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Yesterday, I had a bad dream. I dreamt of death & funeral, actually is my father's sudden death & at his funeral. It has been a long long time since i have dreamt of anything. The last few days, I notice that i always dreamt of something which I can't recalled when I woke up. However yesterday's dream was different coz i still can remember it. So I just told my colleague about this & check online on d meaning of the dream. Well i have read somewhere that there's meaning of our dreams. So i manage to find somthing about my dream. Apparently, death is end of a cycle. something is finally over & funeral is the end or death of something. Confrontation with pain. There are others variation on the meaning. Probably at this point in my life, I'm at crossroads of starting something new & ending something old, that's why I have this dream. Probably I've fear of something & have anger & resentment towards certain things in my life. When I reflected my dreams & the meaning & looking at my life now, I see the connection of it.

I love you dad, I love you mom & all my sisters, Shiao Chin, Shiao Yee & Shiao Ping.. I love u all.. All of you are the most important persons in my life...

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