Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why everyone leave?

I'm working for over 2 years in my present company & enjoyed good relationship with most of my colleagues.  Recently since beginning of the year, 1 by 1 start leaving the company.  Sigh!  Why?  I also thought of leaving...but they all left earlier than me????  Anyway, wish them all the best & we shall always keep in I said, our journey as colleague may have ended but our journey as friends has begin.......

What's the real problem? The company, the boss, the colleagues, the environment or is it personal reason?  Well, I believe everyone has their own reasons of making certain decisions. Life is like that!  At the end of the day, we should always go for what we really want in life & moving on to achieve our goals.  As for me, I'm waiting for the right opportunity....

Wish everyone a GOOD DAY!  Live life to the FULLEST!

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