Thursday, January 1, 2009

Change for better (or???)

Year 2008 has close it's chapter & a new year has opened it's book. Reflecting back year 2008, what I can say it's a year of change for me - changing for better, i really hope that I've change for the better. The major change is I quit my ex-company & I take up AIA part time. That is on my work part. On other aspects, I think there are still no major changes yet - still single, still staying at my old place, still driving the same car, still wearing my old specs, still have not reached my desired weight, still doesn't like cheese & milk, still eating junk foods, still messy, still undecided blah blah blah - my believe & attitude still same (or have i changed).

Why one need to change? What prompted one to change? Most people fear change as change will disrupt their old comfort way of doing things. Why one only will change when some major problems happened to them. Eg. quitting smoking - when one is diagnosed of certain illnesses only then they will stop smoking - wouldn't that be to late already.

I, myself also having the same dilemma, wanting to change but at the same time still wanna be in my own comfort zone. Wanna lose weight but yet still eating junks, wanna earn passive income but yet still work under employment ............ Therefore this year 2009, I told myself this is a year of breaking old habits & creating new good habits. Old habits is lazy, lazy, lazy so nothing can be done. Talking, talking & talking but no concrete actions so nothing much done. This year as it's still in the beginning of the year, I told myself that 1st priority is to get my health in tip-top condition. Having a good health only then I can have wealth & happiness. So this year I'll focus on eating healthily, exercising regularly so that I can have good health which in turn is a blessing for me to focus on my career, business, family, friends, society & so forth.

That's all for now. Now going to cleaned up my messsy room. It's still in progress from last year ttill this year - no complete yet. My target is to complete it before CNY.

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