Sunday, January 22, 2012

Welcoming the water dragon year

I'm back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year celebrations.  Later will be going out for reunion dinner with my extended family, this is the second year we have so many relatives together for the reunion dinner. When I was very young, I remember going back to my grandma's house for the reunion dinner.  Many many years later, we have our own reunion dinner at my own house with just my parents & my sisters - this has been on-going for many many years till last year when we started to have extended family dinner again.  Look at how's things has changed over the years.  I'm looking forward for a grand reunion dinner again.  And I want to wish everyone Gong Xi Fa Cai & Happy New Year!!!! HUAT AHHH......

Traffic from the city centre back to my hometown is extremely heavy.....looks like everyone is making the exodus out from the city centre to their respective hometown.  It's worth all the effort coz Chinese New Year is about togetherness & family warmth.  So I hope everyone have a great celebrations.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy NewYear 2012, 新年快乐2012


Happy New Year 2012.....It's been a long long time since I last blog about anything.....Been busy, tired, lazy & not in the mood of blogging recently....

Anyway, will start to blog again....

Recently, my boss asked me a question......what do you feel grateful in 2011?

My answer is I'm grateful because I still have a healthy body....There was some health symptoms & alert that make me realised that health is important & this makes me change my diet & lifestyle....THANK YOU FOR THAT!  And I'm grateful that all my family members also still healthy......WELL, I think.....we should be grateful that we are still living everyday.  Let's live our fullest life!  

This is taken in Chinatown Singapore.....Yes I was there during Christmas.  So happy to visit Singapore again after a 10 long years!!!