Monday, March 21, 2011

Hiking Bukit Tabur

Finally I did it......It was a tough hike for me.....I feel my whole body aching today.

I'm using all my energy to conquered it.  Very physically drained after the hike.....But with lots of satisfaction.... And I personally feel it's quite dangerous due to the steepness & because it's all rocks.  You can see crystals too...

This is part of my training for my next adventure - Conquering Mt. Api or Pinnacles at Mulu Caves.  Life is an adventure....Enjoy it.....

Some photos to share...some are taken by me & some are taken by my friend, EK.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's MATTA FAIR again

This weekend is MATTA FAIR.  Most probably will check out some ground packages there for my upcoming trip.  Well, recently feel kind of down & negative due to several reasons - maybe due to all those disasters happening around the world.  Doesn't feel safe to travel now as earthquakes is happening like nobody business.  But according to news, MATTA FAIR as usual is crowded with people so I should be also excited to travel.  Live LIFE TO THE FULLEST coz we don't know what will happen tomorrow!!! Appreciate for everything that I have now....THANK YOU